Monday, November 14, 2011

essay #2

So guys i think i chose my commercial. I had about 4 to chose from but i chose Chevy true stories 'my dads car'. It tugs on emotion definitely i get goosebumps every time i watch this commercial. It also shows that Chevy can last forever. Chevy is apart of America. Its not just a car its also full of memories. Its the dads pride and joy.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thanks to Modern Science..

As I read thanks to modern science all i could think is wow.. those poor innocent men.. it must of been tough back when we didnt have the technology to do DNA texting.. i could never imagine being on death row for a crime especially  for 16 years like Anthony Portor and just days of being executed he was finally freed. i feel for the families whose son brother husband nephew who were executed who were innocent and just noone to listen to them. it makes me sad. i have a passion for the justice system and i wish there was more we could do..